Legal Information Network Exchange (LINX)
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 Superior Court Cases
Display Superior Court case information including a list of scheduled proceedings using the case's cause number.
Cause Number:   
(Enter cause number with all or without any dashes. For example, either 02-1-12345-1 or 021123451 is correct.)


Display a list of Superior Court cases that match the following criteria:
Name:  (Enter as last name, first name. For example: Smith, John)  
Year:   through   

 District and Municipal Court Proceedings

Proceedings scheduled in a Washington State district and municipal court (except Seattle Municipal Court) can be searched by case number or name of a party using Washington Courts' Find My Court Date.

 Jail Inmates

Display Current Pierce County Corrections Jail Roster


List current jail inmates by name. This list will not include persons who have been released.
(Enter as last name, first name. For example: Smith, John)

Inmate Information for Other Jurisdictions:
King County Jail
Kitsap County Jail
Lewis County Jail
Snohomish County Jail
Score Jail
Nisqually Jail